JAES 2023 Web Audio Special Issue: Rocking the Web with Browser-based Simulations of Tube Guitar Amplifiers

Latency measures (Mac OS Monterey, Mac Book Pro 2019 Intel, 64go ram)

User tests of Web Audio tube guitar amp sim plugins

Table with detailed user evaluations

Roger Lartheau, pro guitar teacher, Biot School of Music, plays all styles (preferred: Jazz)

Blues Machine plugin

The Blues Machine plugin simulates several amplifiers (switchable using the drop down menu), inspired by classic Blues/Rock Classic Amps such as Vox, Fender, Marshall JCM 800 and variants, etc.

Clean blues sound:

Crunchy sound preset:

Different presets, different guitars, Palmer neutral amp + Marshall 2x12 Speakers:

Metal Machine plugin

Metal Etalon preset (hi-gain)

Clean Machine Plugin

Jordan Sintes, master student in music composition, composed and produced two metal albums

Metal Machine plugin, diverse plugins

On Adam 3x studio monitors

On Marshall 2x12 cabinet

Bandlab standard and pro amp sims, at 2:22 comparison with Metal Machine plugin

Clean Machine, diverse presets, Adam A3X studio monitors

Blues Machine, diverse presets, Adam A3X

Quentin Plet, master student in computer music production, Jazz background

Blues Machine plugin

Clean Blues sound, Marshall 2x12 cabinet:

Beefy sound preset, Marshall 2x12 Cabinet:

Crunchy sound, Fender Stratocaster, Marshall 2x12 Cabinet:

Metal Machine plugin

Fender Stratocaster, Metal Etalon preset, Marshall 2x12 cabinet:

Clean Machine plugin

Fender Stratocaster, Folk metal strings preset, Marshall 2x12 cabinet:

Michel Winter, Computer Science teacher (master level), amateur guitar player, no academic music training, has played in several classic rock bands

Clean Machine

Diverse presets, Adam A3X studio monitors:

Blues Machine

Clean Blues preset, Adam A3W studio cabinets:

Beefy preset, Marshall 2x12 cabinet:

Diverse presets, Adam A3X studio monitors:

Metal Machine

Diverse presets, Adam A3X studio monitors

Guillaume Besse, web developer, amateur guitar player, no academic music training, small experience playing in classic rock bands, plays mostly at home

Blues Machine

Beefy preset

Crunchy preset, Adam A3X studio monitors

Crunchy preset, Marshall 2x12 cabinet

Diverse presets

Metal Machine

Metal KO preset

Bandlab Amp Sims

Clean Machine

Diverse presets

Jean-Baptiste Lavit, engineer, no academic music training, background in metal music

Blues Machine

Custom settings (trying to make heavy metal sounds...)

Metal Machine

Metal Etalon and Metallic KO presets, ADAM A3X studio monitors

Custom settings, soloing, , ADAM A3X studio monitors

Metallic KO preset, Marshall 2x12 cabinet, Palmer neutral amp

Clean Machine

Diverse presets

Electro-Acoustic preset

Bandlab Amp Sims

Guillaume Etevenar, engineer, no academic music training, background in classic rock